Level 3 lockdown: 5 tips for team morale

It’s back to a new normal this week as Upright supports our customers with their scaffolding needs. It’s good to be back.

We’ve found the following has helped with team morale during Covid-19 Levels 3 and 4:

  1. Keep talking. As Directors, we’ve kept an open door for all staff and been honest in our answers to their questions.
  2. Ask for input. We’ve asked the team to share ideas, and delegated tasks widely to encourage shared responsibility.
  3. Put info out early. We’ve shared as much information as we can about our position and likelihood of work out as early as we can.
  4. Write it down then demonstrate it. Change is stressful. We’ve got checklists so the team doesn’t have to rely on memory. And we’ve run through everything multiple times for our visual-spatial learners.
  5. Roving managers. Now that we’re out on site in Level 3, we’ve stepped up site checks. The emphasis is on managers being there to help out and remind of new protocols rather than being there to catch staff out.

Our mantra is that this is a learning experience. We’re all in this together – as a company and an industry.



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